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Questions are the answer, how to have deeper conversations with anyone about free software philosophy.

Presented by: Lori Nagel

Lori Angela Nagel has been a long-time free software supporter and activist, and has been involved with the FSF as an associate member since 2005.


The hardest part about promoting the free software philosophy is getting people interested enough in the conversation to listen even if they aren't already excited about technology topics. However, most people use software today, yet have complaints and fears about it.

Instead of merely waiting around for the conversation to turn into a discussion about software usage or technology woes and fears, it helps to come up with powerful questions that can turn conversations about anything into conversations about software and why it needs to have the four freedoms, yet still keeping it engaging for all participants so that it is relevant.

This discussion will be about taking topics people like to discuss and turning them into freedom respecting software topics by relating them whatever people are currently talking about using audience supplied examples. These discussions can take place in forums or chat, online or in person.


Audio-only version


1 year ago

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